Papers and Publications

Artificial Intelligence

  • 2015 Scene Based Reasoning

    Frank W. Bergmann, Brian Fenton, published in Artificial General Intelligence on July 22nd, 2015 (pdf). This paper describes Scene Based Reasoning SBR, a cognitive architecture based on the notions of "scene" and "plan" that implements perception, action, learning and control operations on the level of "plans", with scenes acting as planner states.

  • 1995 Parallelizing Description Logics (IJCAI-95)

    Frank Bergmann, J. Joachim Quantz, published in: Ipke Wachsmuth, Claus-Rainer Rollinger, Wilfried Brauers (Eds.), Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, 1995 (pdf)
    Description Logics (DL), one of the major paradigms in Knowledge Representation, face efficiency problems. We present two alternative PROLOG implementations of parallelized propagation on a loosely coupled MIMD (Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data) system. Whereas a "farm" topology yields only poor results, an implementation based on distributed objects achieves a considerable speedup.

  • 1995 The FLEX System - KIT Report 124

    J. Joachim Quantz, Guido Dunker, Frank Bergmann, Ivonne Kellner, submitted for publication (pdf), the "user guide" of the Description Logic system FLEX. The FLEX system has been used within the Verbmobil project for the semantic and pragmatic disambiguation of speech.

  • 1995 Parallelizing Description Logics (2)

    Frank Bergmann, J. Joachim Quantz, submitted for publication, 1995 (pdf).

  • 1995 Parallelisierung eines Wissensrepräsentationssystems

    Frank Bergmann, Diplomarbeit (german MSc Thesis), 1995, (ps.gz)

Project Management


  • 2015 Factor 10x - Super Efficient Startups
    Frank W. Bergmann, presented at London Meetup on October 22nd, 2015 (pdf)
    Business patterns for servicing many customers with a small team.

    This talk is about the usual stuff: War stories from a start-up, software reuse and disparate roles and their communication in developer teams. But there are special twists: Extreme efficiency (we were only two guys), using a heavy mix of business + tech language to explain how this works and nice pictures & awkward jokes

Acting as a Tutor