Quoting within Prolog expressions: Currently it is not
possible to include double quotes within a <PRO ACTION=" ...
">. Conforming to the HTML 3.2 specification, we will in future
support the standard HTML quoting conventions.
Multi User Environment: One idea to allow several users
to build a common server is to let them edit content on a common
fileserver. User-rights can be administrated using the standard
managment of permissions. A common server can than be formed by
joining the HTML-directories of all users together by symbolic
However, this way only one global error list is generated while
every user should get his own list.
Thus, if we can import/export the "symbol lists" of other users,
every user can compile his content individually.
Incremental Compilation/Continous Operation: This feature
would allow the content to be "up to the minute".
Hyperlink Ambiguities: Implement a more elaborated strategy
to resolve ambiguous hyperlinks.
Multiple Source/Destination Files: In particularlar
within multi-user environments, it would be nice to have several
source- and the corresponding destination directories.
Preprocessor Language: A more sophisticated PP-languge
would be nice to perform various tasks:
Mark link endpoints instead of <A NAME="...">
Mark links instead of <A HREF="...">
Insert title and META-variables
Insert other Prolog-statements
Auto-Conversion: It would be nice to convert documents
written in MS-Word into HTML automatically. Although suitable
converters already exists, it is still impossible to convert embedded
".wmf" files without a running Windows-computer.
If someone knows a solution to this, please send me a mail!
Distinction between META-markers and NAME-markers:
Environment Variables from OS environment: This would
be nice to include arbitrary kinds of strings.
Preprocessor: Eliminate
MS-DOS/Windows: Adaptation, replacement of missing predicates.
Doc: Explain <PRO&>
Relative URLs: Insert relative URLs instead of absolute
URLs where possible.
Relativizer: Create a program that takes a conventional
site as input and returns a "relativized" site with filename as