SiteC Source Example

SiteC Source Example

The following HTML-code corresponds to a typical "index.html" file somewhere within a web site. The following SiteC-specific elements are used:
    <META NAME="marker" CONTENT="example1">

    This is the list of all example documents:

    [$ insert_toc]

    <A HREF="#home">Go to Home</A>

    [$ insert_var($month)]/
    [$ insert_var($day)]/
    [$ insert_var($year)]
    by SiteC V0.2.2.
  • Design Template
    The interesting is what you don't see: Use a design template to concentrate on the content of your pages. Write your design template once and all of your pages will appear with the same outfit. For this reason, there are no GIFs included here nor fancy table tags.
  • <META NAME="marker" CONTENT="example1">
    The <META>-variable defines a marker (label) for this document. Other documents can refer to this label using the expression:
    <A HREF="#sitec_markers">Link to Document</A>.
    Using this feature, you can move your documents around without having to update your HREFs every time. See below (HREF="#home") for an example of how to define a reference to another file.
  • [$ insert_toc]
    Include the list of all documents in a subdirectory, sorted by title or any other attribute. This is extremely helpful for fast changing lists of documents such as news or data sheets. Don't update you content twice, never have dead links anymore. Advanced users can also define their own kind of sophisticated indices. You can build a site map this way, keyword indices or a global table of content.
  • HREF="#home"
    This is a symbolic reference to another file. Normally with HTML 3.2, such "marker references" have to be defined within the same file. SiteC extends this mechanism to other files.
    See above (Marker) for an example on how to define a link endpoint.
  • [$ insert_var($month)]
    Insert attributes into your web site such as generation date etc.